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 United States of America : New York
profile id: 1376240
build: Defined
height: 5' 7"
weight: 142lb
body hair: Some Hair
facial hair: Beard
cock size: Large
preferred role: Versatile
interests: Muscle worship, Email/chat, Role play, BDSM, Leather, Fetish, Groups
last here: 13 Feb 2025

..... Random thoughts...


Whatever Is...Is Right .
Just don't bother me about It....

"Those who look outside---dream
Those who look inside---awakes"
---Carl Jung.

"When the Power of Love overcomes-- the Love of Power...
Then the world will know Peace.
.....Jimi Hendrix -1968

Time moves on in a precarious --rapid
sometimes tantalizing forward motion
on an unknown trajectory...
Reality is more complicated ---

The mutual inspiration of Artist & Writers during the late 19th century was best expressed by Sacher-Masoch as a moment --a symbol --an eternal parable of Passion & Lust..of the love of one for another--where each of us in the end---willing or not--is betrayed by the person he loves...
The Classic constructed dilemma .. ...Sadomasochism...

....Now U Know...

It is probably...just as well for Society...
that they do not know All the fantasies
which accompany, consciously
or half-consciously -or unconsciously...
every eroctic indulgence...we might imagine...

Life is an abstract journey --
From our birth place & even in death...
There is a veil of mystery -- to Existence..
We cannot expect life to have crisp sharp clear lines...
& It is probably best not to.
There is something about leaving a little to the imagination..
The outlines of Reality are inherently blurry..
There is always a hint of uncertainty...
Perhaps - the best way to approach Life is to embrace it --
With a sense of curiosity & appreciation for it's infinite wonder...

No instant is self-contained...just as no action in a theatrical production or any drop in a flowing river is self contained..
Each moment incorporates...
what came right before & what is coming right after..
Everything as a part of a dynamic process..
As we continue to seek to understand...
All of creation & How we fit into it...
Be open to mystery...not everything needs sharp lines..

We must Always Remember --
That it is impossible to speak in such a way
that we cannot be misunderstood --
There will Always Be some who misunderstand...

There are at least 2 levels to communication --
The overt conscious message...
And.. the covert -- hidden message.
The overt consists of words we hear...
And gestures we recognize...
The hidden message...has more to do with intent
Which is something we ordinarily overlook
Because --
we do not have the language -- to deal with it
Probably because...We should know there is a reason ---
sometimes --
unclear communication
Much like unfinished business....
AKA-- the past
Interferes with our ability to be present
So Often --
we must sort out the overt from the covert --
the hidden message...
Which usually has more to do with intent
That we don't bother...

We learn from Tolstoy...
That All happy families are alike --
Each unhappy family is unhappy in it's own way--
Oddly enough divorces are exactly alike...
...kind of the samething as trauma.
Happy well-adjusted people are all different...
The traumatized are exactly alike.
Trauma is trauma
When something terrible happens-- Beyond --
what is in our own personal capacity to cope with....
Details -- Do Not Really matter...
As much as the state of mind we are suddenly thrown into --
A Truth...A Truth we cannot escape from...
Scare tissue remains..as broken bones heal --
the damage will be with you forever...
So what is Life all about --
Surviving what we survive...
Which is also known as the rest of your Life...
And so...as time passes...
We re-invent Our selves...
Sort of like becoming...our selves again.
However in Reality -- that never really occurs...
we can never get over it.
We cannot un-remember such events.
So of course --
we can never become un-traumatized by what happened.
It is a difference type of inheritance.
The Legacy of Trauma

Anyway...There is not much time for anyone...
As we must All move with such haste towards our goals...
& ultimate Destiny --

The inability of men to grasp an obvious truth is a constant....
Where we must spend most of our time...
Explaining what should be obvious -- to All
Of course -- I am of no particular interest to anyone

Since a teenager - way last century --
Thought I wanted to be in a relationship...
Learned quickly -- (or should have)
That was a No Can Do Situation
So Off into the world I wandered...
It seemed only in my dreams does anything work out...
Nocternal emission...although
Nightmares are also dreams
So before you think ' we should meet '
You need to know this --
Drugs sex & rocknroll -- not as much fun as they say
Butt it does solve some problems
Now I am old -- world traveled -- many experiences --
Whatever You may Think...
I know I will never find someone to satisfy....
However -- while sex is often enjoyable
It will never Be enough to satisfy me
Just thought you should know...
Before you think I am going to wait around
for something special to just happen along
When in my experience -- that just isn't going to happen...
It's a fantasy & Not Real....there is no happy ending
-- No Happy Ending Hollywood nonsense
Sexual Reality isn't All that Sexy
It is not marketable -- whatever 'They say'
Sex is not just physical...
As we are told --this is a myth
Perpetuated by western culture &
It is the way we satisfy a physical appetite...
It is a way to temporarily satisfy a physical appetite...
So There is more to This... Life

Have had enough lame sexual encounters...
Just too old now...
Which is the Best reason to not bother..
& as it is...
Everything is way too difficult to arrange -----
So Why bother?
Thx --- anyway ....

--Not a good actor...
the scene has to Be Real to work.
Fantasy requires no one....
Just an Image ---
& there are plenty Here -- Thx Guys !

Thank You -- All...
For the video-shorts !
& various other delights & fantasies !

Cheers !!!

.... XNTY 9


Enough said --- Thank You